Instructors: New Release 1.71 is coming soon

We are very excited to announce our new Release 1.71 that will make updating problems in instances with multiple courses more practical and efficient. 

Please feel free to request a follow-up with Funda Gul, our Director of Integrations if you need any assistance with our upcoming features. 

  •  Problem content editing is now separated from the course content update.

    If the updated problem version is used in any exercise, a new problem version is created automatically for any kind of update. No notification is sent to instructors. Instead, a new tab is introduced at the course page where all outdated exercises are listed. Instructors can review the changes and for each related exercise decide to apply an update or not. There is an option to update multiple exercises in a batch.


  • When you select one of the outdated exercises, you will see two versions of the problem: 'Problem in Course' and 'Updated Problem'. You can either choose to accept or reject the update.When you choose to update the problem, you will be given two options to select from. We highly recommend that you read them carefully. 

Your students can only review obsolete solutions. Improving obsolete solutions are not allowed. 

We would be delighted if you could share your thoughts with us by adding a comment below. 

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