The most recent update (Release 1.46) is now available!

We hope that everyone made a wonderful start to Spring, 2018 semester. 

The following are the articles that describe the details about the Release 1.46 (the most recent version of Gradarius). 

1.   Can I see my course as a student, i.e., is there a "Student view" feature?  

2.   Can I reorder exercises by name? 

3.   What is the difference between "Change score" and "Regrade" options? (UPDATED)

4.   How can I add teaching assistants to my course? 


  • New cross icons to close pop-up windows easily:


Please let us know what you think of the new features by clicking on "reply" button located on the upper right corner and/or make comments below to share your experiences with us as well as with other instructors. 

Also please never hesitate to reach out to us if there is anything we can help you with. 


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