Instructor FAQs

How can I extend the deadline of an assignment for an individual student?
Please follow the steps below to extend the deadline for an assignment for an individual student. Go to your “Gradebook” tab.  Click on the na...
Wed, 4 Jan, 2023 at 10:12 AM
Is there a way to see the full problem statements in the problems pool and/or in an assignment?
Yes. On the right side of the page, you can select the “show preview” option by clicking on the settings icon.                              
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:11 PM
How can I reconfigure an assignment that was already created? How does my reconfiguration affect the exercises in the assignment?
From the assignments tab select the assignment you want to make changes to. Go to the "Options" menu and select "Configure". On the r...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:13 PM
Can I move exercises from one assignment into other?
Yes. Please follow the steps described below to move exercises from one assignment into other: Click on the ellipsis (three side by side dots) at the far ...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:15 PM
How do I see whether a student completed an assignment or not?
After selecting the course from course page, click on the tab “GRADEBOOK”  From 'Progress' menu select “Grouped” or “Sequential”        ...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:30 PM
What does the “Broadcast” button do?
Broadcast allows you to send a message to the entire class.  You can use the “Broadcast” by using the options menu which is located next to the title of cou...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:30 PM
If I want to point out something to a particular student, can I initiate a comment on his/her work?
Yes. Just click on the speech bubble located on the right hand panel:                                   A messaging window opens up on the right side...
Fri, 28 Apr, 2023 at 3:37 PM
How can I see reports on a student’s work?
First select the course from your home/course page.           Then select the student by clicking on the name of the student from the “GRADEBO...
Fri, 19 Oct, 2018 at 12:02 PM
How can I see the class reports in a single assignment?
First, select the course from your home/course page. Then select the assignment you like to see the reports of the class  Then click on the “Repo...
Wed, 3 May, 2023 at 12:10 PM
What is Tutor Mode? What is Solo Mode? What is Guided Tutor Mode?
When an assignment is set in “Tutor Mode”, the student receives step by step feedback while they are working on the problems. When an assignment is ...
Sun, 1 Apr, 2018 at 4:24 PM