From the course page, click on “Add Assignment” button. An Assignment configuration box will open. Click the “Advanced” slider to begin detailed configuring.
Choose the type of assignment
a. From that already exists:
Practice: The default settings are set up as the following:
Mode is “Tutor” (for details see "Feedback mode")
Exercise grading scheme is “Normalized sum”
Grading scheme for multiple submissions is “Highest Score”
Allow reference solution review is "After a number of submissions"
In “Practice” type assignments students are allowed to revisit problems after deadline without late penalty, and the students are able to see the score of each exercises immediately after submitting.
Guided Tutorial: “Guided tutorial type” assignments are automatically set in “Guided tutor” (for details see below) mode. The default settings are set up as the following:
Exercise grading scheme is “Normalized sum”
Grading scheme for multiple submissions is “Highest Score”
Allow reference solution review is "Always"
In “Guided tutorial” type assignments students are allowed to submit their solutions after the deadline without late penalty, and the students are able to see the score of each exercise immediately after submitting it.
Assessment (multiple or once): The default settings are set up as the following:
Mode is “Solo” (for details see below)
Exercise grading scheme is “Normalized sum”
Grading scheme for multiple submission is “Highest Score”
Allow reference solution review is "After deadline"
In “Assessment” type assignments students are not allowed to submit their solutions after the deadline. In Assessment multiple, the instructor needs to select the number of submissions and the students are able to see the score of each exercises immediately after submitting. In Assessment once, number of submissions is automatically set up as “1”, and the students can only see their scores after the deadline.
Remark: Note that If you are already familiar with the type of assignments and the assignment modes, you can configure your assignment without turning the "Advanced" slider to on. Just select the assignment type, give a name, and set the assignment mode & the deadline.
b. Create your own custom assignment type for reuse:
After completing an assignment setting, you have the option to save it as a custom type assignment configuration to use it again.
- Go to the three dots(on top of each other) menu at the end of the assignment type selection:
- Click on the "Save as new" to save your custom settings as a new assignment type.
- Add a name and description (for example, type of settings you have selected) to the assignment type.
Once you hit "OK", your custom type assignment will appear under assignment types:
- Remember you can always remove or edit existing custom type assignments by going into "Manage types"
Choose a name for the assignment
“Getting Started Tutorials” for the initial series of walk-through tutorials, and “Homework 1” and so on for normal assignments are good choices.
Choose a feedback mode
“Tutor” will give students feedback as they work through problems. “Solo” will not give any feedback until after the student has submitted their solution. “Guided Tutor” must be used for walk-through tutorial problems
Chose a Deadline
This will pull up a calendar so you can select the due date for the assignment. Make sure your timezone is correct.
Assignment Groups
This will automatically put the assignment in the group you would like it to be placed.
Time Limit
This option will allow you to limit the time spent on an assignment. The minimum time limit that can be assigned is 1 min and the maximum is 23 hours 59 mins.
Number of submissions
If left blank, students will have an unlimited number of attempts to solve problems. We recommend that the number of submissions be set to at least three, so that students have a couple chances to correct their work.
Assignment weight
The weights influence course progress and corresponding sector size in students' progress pie chart.
As an example, the course grade would be computed in the following way when the assignments are weighted differently.
#1 | 60/100 | .5 |
#2 | 70/100 | 1 |
#3 | 95/100 | 1.5 |
Course Score = = %81
Exercise grading scheme
Normalized Sum: Assignment score is equal to total points collected divided by the maximum points available. For example, if you create an assignment of 5 exercises of 100 points each and a student has collected 425 points in total from that assignment, his or her final score for the assignment would be equal to 425/500= .85 that is his or her score is 85/100.
Total Sum: Assignment score is equal to the total sum of the points of exercises in the assignment.
Exercise points
This will allow you to change the default points (10) for the exercises in your assignments. Note that you can also change the scores of your individual exercises using "exercise configuration"
Grading Strategy for plain type exercises
Using this step you can set up the grading strategy of the exercises in your assignment all at once.
If you choose the default grading strategy, each exercise will remain with the grading method that was chosen by the author of the problem. Therefore "Default", in general, is the most recommended grading strategy. Also it is not a good practice to select " Require Essential Steps" and "Pre-Calculus Review" for setting up the grading strategy of all exercises at once. These grading strategies are best to be used during individual exercise configuration since they may not be compatible with all the exercises in the assignment.
Grading Strategy for multiple-choice type exercises
Similar to above, this step allows you to set up the grading strategy for multiple-choice type exercises all at once.
Grading Scheme for multiple submissions
Choosing “Highest Score” for a grading scheme will make sure students are not penalized for trying to improve their score.
Allow Hints
When you select "Allow Hints" during an assignment configuration, you are allowing your students to receive hints in the exercises. Please note that your student can access the hints at any time while they are working on an exercise using the bulb symbol that is available on the lower right corner of the problem-solving page. Also please notice that some problems may not have hints, in general only those with cell comments will have hints available.
Disabled actions
Click the “Select” button if you would like to disable certain problem-solving actions in Gradarius.
Rewriting Actions - Actions that make it easier to edit mathematical expressions. (We strongly recommend that these remain enabled.)
Organizing Actions - Actions that allow students to organize parts of their solutions, e.g. perform integration by parts in a separate template on the screen. (We strongly recommend that these remain enabled.)
Scientific Calculator Actions - Actions that automatically substitute numbers into equations, compute numerical values, etc.
Graphing Calculator Actions (non-CAS) - Actions that allow students to graph curves.
Computer Algebra System (CAS) Actions - Actions that automatically solve equations, simplify expressions, etc. (Note: CAS actions will NOT automatically compute limits, derivatives, or integrals.)
Select the sections you want to set up the assignment for.
Allow Submission after the deadline
Decide whether you want your students to have access to the problems after the deadline with or without penalty or even without affecting the student grades.
REMARK: Please note that you need to set up a deadline for the assignment first to be able to make a selection in this section.
Allow reference solution review
Choose when, and whether, to allow students to see fully worked-out solutions to the problems in the assignment. “After Deadline” is usually a good choice. “After one submission” is useful for tutorial problems.
You can also configure exercises to allow viewing a reference solution after the preferred number of submissions
Choose any previously assigned assignments that you like to set as a prerequisite. Click on select and then use the pop-up window to select the prerequisite assignment/s and the required score/s:
Once you click “OK”, your assignment will be created and you can begin adding problems to it.
Adding Exercises
Click “Add Exercise”. Select how you want the problems you choose to be grouped.
Single problem - All students see exactly the problems that you select, in the order in which you arrange them.
Problem pool with existing problems- Students are manually or randomly assigned a collection of the problems that you select.
Problem pool with generated problems- Students are manually or randomly assigned a collection of the problems that the system automatically generates. This option is currently in progress.
There are a few different ways to find problems:
Use the topic list to find the topic you are covering.
Use the search box to search for the topic you are looking for. The search will look through problem names as well as problem statements. For instance, you can also look for the “tan” function.
If you’re having trouble finding a particular type of problem, please contact us here.
Once your assignment is ready for students, go to the Options menu at the upper right, and click “Publish”. To notify your students an assignment is ready, choose the “Share” option. This will generate a direct link to your assignment, which can be emailed to students. In any case, the platform automatically notifies the students about the new assignments.
On the pop-up window, click on "Publish now" to publish the assignment right away, otherwise turn the "Schedule Publishing date" to "on".
After setting up the publish date and time hit "OK"
The assignment will be published on the date and time it is chosen.
Note that if you want to add/remove exercises to/from a previously created assignment, make sure to un-publish the assignment first, then use the add exercise button to add exercises and use the "Remove" option from the list after clicking on the ellipsis at the far right of the exercise you like to remove from the assignment.
To add:
To remove:
Go to the exercise you like to remove and select the three dots menu at the end of the exercise to select "Remove" from the drop down menu.
Finally, remember to re-publish the assignment from the "Options" menu:
Remark: Once students have begun solving problems, refrain from making changes to the assignment, as changes could affect student grades.