After adding exercises to an assignment, the exercises can be configured individually. Below you can find this process described step by step. 

  • Click on the ellipsis (three dots)  at the right end of the exercise you like to configure and  select “configure” to begin the configuration

  • You can change the name, and mode of the assignment or decide not to include the exercise in assignment score computation with or without turning the "Advanced" slider on.

When the "Advanced" slider is on:

  • In “Single Problem” type exercises:

    • You can change number of submissions, points, grading strategy, grading scheme for multiple submissions, disable/able actions or even decide which sections to assign the exercise that is being configured.

    • You can select the exercises that need to be solved before the students make an attempt to the exercise that is being configured, that is, using "Prerequisites" you can predetermine the order of the students’ attempts to the exercises. 

  • In ”Problem Pool” type exercises: 

    1. You can add more problems 

    2. Using “Configure”
      1. You can determine the # of problems to be assigned to each student 

      2. You can decide how the problems should be assigned to the students

        1. Randomly: Assigns problems randomly to students from the selected problem pool 

        2. Sequentially: In case students are also seated according to the alphabetical order of their names, “Sequentially” assigns problems to the students with respect to the alphabetical order of their names to make sure that the students sitting side by side are not being assigned the same problems. 

    3. You can change: the number of submissions, points, grading strategy, grading scheme for multiple submissions, action availability, and change to which sections the exercise will be assigned.REMARK: Please note that the points in the problem pool represent the total score for all the problems assigned from the pool. For example, if you selected 10 problems from the problem bank and assigned 5 of them randomly/sequentially and the points are set as 100, the total score of these 5 problems will be 100, that is, each individual exercise in the pool will have a score of 20 in the assignment. Therefore if you want to set the score of each problem as 100, please change points to 5x100=500, i.e., "#of problem to assign" multiplied by "the score you want each problem to have".

    4. You can select the exercises that need to be solved with (a certain score) before the students make an attempt to the exercise that is being configured.  You can also set a total score for multiple prerequisite exercises.  Click on "Select" next to "Prerequisites" to start.