Gradarius allows the admin to select which parts of the class a TA or undergraduate assistant can change. This option can be found in the admin account under "Users tab > Configure Access Rights." Contact your course admin or start a support ticket and a Gradarius representative can help you configure the TA Role. The different choices are:

  • Allow to edit exercises - TA can move and rename exercises in an assignment. They cannot add assignments or add exercises to an assignment.
  • Allow to edit problems - TA can add/remove problems, publish/unpublish, and author problem statements. They cannot add or edit reference solutions without also checking "Allow to edit reference solutions."
  • Allow to edit reference solutions - TA can just add/edit reference solutions or clone student solutions. They cannot add/remove problems. Primary reference solution can only be edited if the problem is already unpublished. An instructor would need to do a "Regrade" in order to affect previously submitted solutions.
  • Allow to view student solutions score - TA can view scores in the gradebook, but not change them
  • Allow to change student solutions score - TA can manually change the grade of solutions
  • Allow to send messages - TA can see student messages and send messages to students. TA will not be able to see score of any solutions if "Allow to view student solutions score" is not checked.

TAs will always be able to see student solutions even if all options are unchecked.

A good default TA configuration is:

The selected options here are good choices if you want a TA to be able to interact with their students, but not directly change grades or how assignments are ordered.

A good default configuration for undergrad assistants or "help room" type assistants is:

This allows them to message students to help with solutions, but protects student privacy and makes sure they can't change anything that affects student grades or assignments.