Note that if you want to add/remove exercises to/from a published assignment, please follow the steps described below: 

  •  Go to the assignment you like to add/remove exercises to/from and un-publish the assignment using the options menu located on the right-hand side: 

  • To add exercises use "Add exercise" button (which appears after un-publishing the assignment) to add exercises:

  • To replace one exercise with another use "Select .a different problem" after clicking on the ellipsis at the far right of the exercise you like to remove from the assignment
  • To remove exercises use "Remove" option from the list 

  • Click "Batch rename" and hit "OK" in the pop-up window to rename the exercises after adding, removing and relocating of any exercises:

  • Finally re-publish the assignment.

Remark: The assignment would be unavailable to the students during the time period that the it was unpublished. Also note that removing or adding exercises will affect the students' grades.